
Showing posts from February, 2023

So Far So Good

Dan received chemo again yesterday but this was his "short" week whereas he doesn't receive 3 hours of chemo but 1.5 hours.  And every other week he receives a different kind of chemo.   Dan had no heart issues this time BUT they are now thinking he may be having a reaction to one of the chemo's he receives every other week.  It wasn't this week.  And it's not the 5FU?  How can a person keep their head on straight when things keep changing??  Ugh. Anyway, at least he isn't having any serious side effects.  They do want him to wear a heart monitor after he receives the one chemo next week and see if he also reacts to it. We see the oncologist next week.  He still hasn't updated Dan's schedule to make sure chemo is every week. Dan is still 177 pounds so I'm glad that his weight is at least maintained since last week. Dan's appetite is good and he continues to eat regular meals.   We can't wait for warmer weather so we can get outside. And

Good News!

So happy to report that Dan had a follow-up with the oncologist's office and they told him that the bloodwork for his liver is lower than before and after feeling his abdomen, they think the cancer shrunk!  Let's hope this keeps happening! He also received chemo today and so far so good.  I have to set his alarm for 12:30 am so that he can wake up to receive meds he needs to help avoid any heart issues he had in the past.  They seem to be helping, thankfully. And he finally has a weekly chemo schedule. Dan now weighs 177.   That's all I have for now.  Thank you again for everything you all have been doing for us.  We so appreciate each one of you! 💓

Baby Steps

Dan is gaining strength a little each day.  I'm so glad, actually we both are, that he is having better days and more in succession.  Good to see him moving around more, talking more and not feeling deflated.  He can also take bigger breaths and not as winded just walking across the room. I'm encouraging him to keep moving and doing a little more each day to gain his strength.  And he continues to eat well. So glad he is eating more now. The weather is supposed to be warm on some days next week.  Even though it may rain here and there, I think I will take Dan out for a drive to get him out of the house.  But he did go out and about yesterday.  It was nice for him to drive and get outside. Just wanted to give a quick update.  Here are a couple of pics of Dan and Cody.  💓I love it when they snuggle. 

Feeling Good Today

Dan had his chemo treatment yesterday and again he had to take meds a few hours before, then one hour before and 12 hours after treatment.  No heart issues again.  Yayyyy!  So I think we finally have a regimen that is working.  And he felt pretty good today.  He's still weak but let's see how this goes now that he will successfully be receiving chemo each week.  I hope he physically improves and gets some strength back in time.  I know chemo can deflate you but it's the cancer that was doing that.  Chemo may actually make the situation better for him.  Let's hope so! I was able to complete a form for the handicap parking permit and brought it to the town clerk's office yesterday and successfully was able to get it right then.  It lasts for 5 years.  It was so easy to obtain.  I'm glad we have that now so that we don't have to worry so much about parking far away for his appointments or wherever I need to take Dan. Dan appreciates all the comments I read to h

Heart is Good

Dan went for his heart ultrasound at  Unity Hospital today.  I really like that place and the people.  Always good vibes. Anyway from the results we read on the portal, everything seems normal but we will need to wait to see what the doctor has to say. Meanwhile, I am in the middle of obtaining a handicap parking permit.  Dan has trouble walking 10 feet without being winded.  The fluid in his lungs, we know, is causing this.  I had to drop him off at the hospital entrance and go park.   Dan doesn't want me to say too much in detail how he is feeling/doing.  I get that but it's also important for his family and friends to know how he is doing.  We've discussed that.  I don't have to update this blog every day.  I told him it's usually updated after each appointment.  But I can tell you he is having a better day today but overall, he is not improving.  I know that, other people know that and Dan knows it too.  So if he is not up to talking, facetiming, texting, it'

CT Scan

Thanks to the heart doctor last week and the cocktail of drugs she prescribed, Dan didn't have any heart issues after receiving chemo like he did previously.  However, he also didn't receive the 5FU chemo this time...only the shot of it through his port like he did previous times. Dan had his CT scan today.  The reason why Dan was in so much pain was because the cancer grew in his liver.  It was previously 13cm and now it is 15cm.  We thought this was the case as this was the reason he had pain like that before and how this all began. 😞 And not only that, he has some fluid buildup between the lung and the chest and also within the lung which moves with gravity depending on his position.  These are the reasons why he clears his throat every now and then.  Everything else was either normal or nothing to worry about it. On Monday, he goes for a heart ultrasound (which we were supposed to get last week but they didn't have record of that so they gave him an EKG...unreal).  The