Heart is Good

Dan went for his heart ultrasound at  Unity Hospital today.  I really like that place and the people.  Always good vibes.

Anyway from the results we read on the portal, everything seems normal but we will need to wait to see what the doctor has to say.

Meanwhile, I am in the middle of obtaining a handicap parking permit.  Dan has trouble walking 10 feet without being winded.  The fluid in his lungs, we know, is causing this.  I had to drop him off at the hospital entrance and go park.  

Dan doesn't want me to say too much in detail how he is feeling/doing.  I get that but it's also important for his family and friends to know how he is doing.  We've discussed that.  I don't have to update this blog every day.  I told him it's usually updated after each appointment.  But I can tell you he is having a better day today but overall, he is not improving.  I know that, other people know that and Dan knows it too.  So if he is not up to talking, facetiming, texting, it's because he isn't feeling too good.  He never knows from day to day or hour to hour how he will be feeling.

Right now I'm waiting for a call back from the cancer center.  Since we were told last week that Dan has to get chemo every week, we were waiting for an updated schedule (since they had him down for every 2 weeks).  When I spoke to someone there, she didn't see anything for this week.  I told her that Dr. Kahn was supposed to notify someone next week to update the schedule.  I was then placed on hold and she saw in the notes that indeed that is correct and that Dan is supposed to get chemo every week (wtf).  So now I'm waiting for a call back for his schedule this week and the following weeks.  

And I'm also waiting for a call back from the heart doctor Dan saw last week who prescribed him meds to take 3-4 hours before chemo, 1 hour after and 12 hours after.  Does he need to do that EVERY time or was that a one-time deal to get his body pumped because now he is taking those same meds every day.  The person I spoke with was very nice and said she will send the info to the doctor as high priority.  I told her we needed to know as soon as possible before Dan gets chemo this week.

My god, I just don't recall going through so much crap when my mom had cancer.  This is freaking ridiculous!

I next have to make other calls to get other things taken care of.  It's never-ending it seems.

Special shout out to Terry and Jim for the care package they dropped off at our door.  Sooooo sorry we missed you!  It was incredibly generous and thoughtful.  We love you guys!

Thank you to everyone who continues to write comments and send cards.  I make sure Dan receives your comments left on this blog.  Just be sure to leave your name in the comments, otherwise, it will state "anonymous" and we don't know who they are from.



  1. I am so happy that the heart is normal, at least some good news. ❤ I understand Dan not being able to respond to our messages all the time because of his health issues. This is why I love that you take the time to keep us updated on this blog. It comforts me to know how you both are doing, whether it is a good day or bad. I can't believe how the medical staff is so unorganized and that they don't seem to get the fact that the stress of all of this is overwhelming and that they are adding more stress by not following through with the communication. Very inconsiderate. Anyways, I am here for you both, I love you and my prayers are with you. 😘 Sis Lor

  2. I know where you are coming from Michelle, I am in Florida with my brother who also has cancer and sometimes the health system sucks, you call and wait days before you hear back, hello people we are talking about serious conditions here, anyway I hope Danny is doing better and love and prayers to you both

  3. Miss ya Pal. Think about you every day. Just know that your bus seat is warm and ready for you at anytime. Just keep a smile on your face. I know that it is easier said than done. Stay positive the best you can. Love ya, buddy. ~"Boss Man"


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