
Showing posts from April, 2023

Home From Hospital

 It's been a long week, especially for Dan. He had his "long" chemo on Wednesday and then was admitted into the hospital for his 5FU chemo...the one he usually has heart issues with.  They wanted to monitor him in case he had a reaction and they would also be able to give him the liquid version of isosorbide which acts fast in getting over heart episodes. Dan was in the hospital Wednesday afternoon until this morning (Sunday).  He had a nice private room as big if not bigger than a hotel room with a big walk-in shower, couch and table with a big picture window and a recliner and hospital bed and huge flat screen tv.  There was also a closet with a safe.  I said all he needed now was a mini-bar. 😜 It reminded me of a hotel room.  He was happy he would be comfortable.  I was so glad too. They were providing Dan with good meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  He would periodically send me pics of what he was being served.  He was eating better than me! 😁 He was hooked up

In-Patient Chemo

 Dan had his "short week" chemo yesterday.  Dr. Khan wanted Dan to take home the 5FU ball and Dan said NO.  Dan needs to see his cardiologist FIRST to make sure she adjusts any medication to help ensure that he will not get those same heart episodes he received last time which ended up him in the hospital. Dr. Khan should have realized that Dan needed to see the cardiologist before he received that chemo. 😡  Thank God Dan speaks up for himself. As it so happens, Dan had an appointment this morning with the cardiologist.  She was only able to adjust his meds slightly.  Any more adjustments would result in his blood pressure getting too low.  And she told Dan that it's not 100% that it will avoid getting those heart episodes.  Every time it affects his heart, it damages it.  That is not good. When I got home today, I asked Dan and wondered why Dr. Khan didn't call to find out why Dan refused the 5FU.  Well, he called tonight as it so happens. The cancer isn't shrin

CT Scan

Dan received his CT scan on Monday.  Per discussion with doctor, was inconclusive as to whether the cancer is shrinking or growing.  He will need to get another scan May 18th. All of his blood work has been looking real good.  The doctor suggested he start the chemo of F5U again but this time at 50% dosage.  Dan is hesitant as this is the chemo that caused him great pain with his heart.  But it may be are only option in shrinking the cancer. He experienced pain again about 30 hours after his long (4hour) chemo.  He seems to get the pain during these weeks but not the short (1.5hr) chemo days.  On days he has pain, he doesn't eat and just sleeps due to to the pain meds he needs to take. He is maintaining his weight so that is good and his appetite is still good too. Like any cancer patient, Dan has good and bad days. Nothing else to report.  Sorry it took so long to write.  Been so busy. Meanwhile, he has his buddy, Cody, keeping him company. 💓