Home From Hospital

 It's been a long week, especially for Dan.

He had his "long" chemo on Wednesday and then was admitted into the hospital for his 5FU chemo...the one he usually has heart issues with.  They wanted to monitor him in case he had a reaction and they would also be able to give him the liquid version of isosorbide which acts fast in getting over heart episodes.

Dan was in the hospital Wednesday afternoon until this morning (Sunday).  He had a nice private room as big if not bigger than a hotel room with a big walk-in shower, couch and table with a big picture window and a recliner and hospital bed and huge flat screen tv.  There was also a closet with a safe.  I said all he needed now was a mini-bar. 😜 It reminded me of a hotel room.  He was happy he would be comfortable.  I was so glad too.

They were providing Dan with good meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  He would periodically send me pics of what he was being served.  He was eating better than me! 😁

He was hooked up with an IV for the 5FU chemo Wednesday afternoon and was done Friday morning. He had periodic pain but was manageable. Towards the end of the chemo, however, he was experiencing great pain.  Chemo goes everywhere in your body, even your bones.  He hurt all over especially around his ribs and occasionally his liver.  He was given Oxycontin to help manage his pain.  Saturday he was experiencing breathing issues.  Every time he would take a deep breath, it would be painful and he would periodically cough up phlegm.  They ended up doing a chest x-ray this morning to rule out anything too serious.  It's all related to chemo.  He hasn't eaten too much the last couple of days.  He never does when he is discomforted or in pain.

I picked him up this morning and he didn't look good.  Looked so worn out.  Looked out of it.  That's what treatments do. He tells me on the way home that he just wants to feel better.  He is so sick of being sick and going through all this.  And I don't blame him.  I can see why people want to stop treatments.  It's too much for some people.  This brought back memories of when mom went through this.  Sometimes she just wanted to give up.  The only way Dan will is if going through all of this does not shrink the cancer.  It's not worth it to him.  And I will support him in any decision that he makes regarding his treatments or lack thereof.

It's hard to keep it together sometimes.  I feel so helpless.  I hate seeing him deteriorate before my eyes on days like today.  Like I said before, there are good and bad days.  And for both of us. The doctor wants Dan to take the 5FU every two weeks.  I don't know if he can take that and neither does he but to his credit, he is moving forward.  We both are taking it one day at a time.  That is all you can do.

Dan sleeps a lot right now and doesn't eat much while taking his pain meds.  That concerns me.  I'm trying to be sure he eats and drinks but it's difficult.  

This next week coming up is his "short" chemo week so hopefully it will give him a chance to feel a bit better before getting the 5FU chemo again.

We are looking forward to camping but opening it up will be the same week he gets the 5FU so I may be looking for help in flushing the camper on 4/29.  I just need to know how to do that...I can do the rest.  

Thank you to everyone for your texts, calls, cards.  Means a lot to us!


  1. I am so happy that he is home and made it through this chemo session and is staying strong willed to continue on. I am praying for you both. If there is anything I can do to help you open camp, let me know. I love you both....πŸ™❤πŸ™

  2. One day at a time. Keeping you both in our prayers. My heart breaks for both of you for all this crap that’s happening . Keep strong, we love you❤️πŸ™ The Johnson family from Webster and Williamson

  3. We are able to help we are vacation to may 8th but can help anytime after we love you both mega hugs and prayers.. your friends terri and jim


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