
Showing posts from March, 2023

Such Support!

 Dan continues to receive chemo every week and is doing really well.   We are eager for the CT scan on Monday and find out the results on Tuesday. Dan has been approved for Social Security Disability and Medicaid.  ALL HIS MEDICAL WILL BE FREE WITH NO PREMIUMS and renew every year! This was weighing heavily on us as we were trying to determine how we were going to continue to pay for our monthly bills and his treatments after his insurance ended at work.  Now we can just solely concentrate on his health. We had a surprise visit the other day from one of Dan's coworkers/friend.  He wanted to see how Dan was doing and to drop this off for him.  It's from everyone in his department and the kids he used to drive around.  And that is his bus, #3.  Dan loved this gift! We thank you so much.  Really made our day. 😀 Then in the mail today we received a beautiful card from the Johnson's and a picture of one of their boys (Marcus) getting on Dan's school bus. Was very special an

Steady As We Go

Dan's chemo went well this week and the doctor's visit went very well.  The PA believes that the cancer has shrunk which we thought it did too given the fact that Dan is getting stronger and in less pain.  He did experience pain the other day though and in a different spot where he had to take pain meds so that is concerning.  We can't wait to get the CT scan at the end of this month to see where we are at. Dan got approved for Social Security Disability so that is a major feat and one stress to put behind us.  Now we just need to focus on Medicare.  We are waiting for the package to come in the mail so we know what the next steps need to be in regards to that and the details. I will now have to get my own health insurance through work.  It was nice being on Dan's as I have to say, his was much better and more affordable. 😒 Dan continues to gain weight which is good.  He fears getting heavy again but I told him that most likely, it is muscle he is gaining which would m

Getting Stronger!

I couldn't be happier as I was this weekend.  It's been a long 3 months.  Dan had a great weekend.  He went out with his cousin and didn't get home until midnight last night! Of course I couldn't sleep until he was home (I never could) but this made my heart full to know he had the strength and desire to want to go out and had some fun and socialized.   He wore a mask as we still need to be careful, but I was so happy for him and he really needed this! 😊 He also went grocery shopping with me today.  Imagine my surprise to see him walking fast ahead of me to cash out.  Oh my!  I was was thrilled.  And the way he handled the bag of groceries in and out of the cart.  These little things mean so much.  This only means he is getting stronger and I pray it just gets better from here.   Keep those prayers going!  We need to get him into a place where he can at least enjoy life for as long as possible. Thank you all for your continued support, visits, texts, calls, and cards. 

Different Facility

This week's chemo was at the Lipson Cancer Center at Linden Oaks.  Much nicer and calmer than the one at RGH.  The waiting area was spacious and not a lot of people there.  Dan enjoyed the nice privacy chair with a huge tv while receiving his chemo.  Dan is going to ask if he can just go there instead of RGH after this month.  It's a little bit further for us but worth it.   We didn't see any doctors this week so I don't have much of an update nor Dan's current weight.  Bloodwork looked better last week than this week but we are not doctors.  Guess we will have to wait until we speak to one of them.  We do not see them every week. So far Dan is doing good.  We can't wait until his next CT scan at the end of the month.  Hoping to have super good news.   Dan misses the kids on his school bus.  Today he received this in the mail and it put a smile on our faces and touched our hearts.  Thank you to the Johnson's for all of your support.  Please let Vincent and M

Looking Good

Dan received his weekly chemo on Wednesday.  Bloodwork looked pretty good and the oncologist, Dr. Khan, felt around and says the mass seems smaller.  Dan will get another CT scan on March 28th.  And he gained almost 4lbs in a week!  He now weights 180.6 pounds. I reminded Dr. Khan that we STILL do not have a weekly chemo schedule and it is becoming very frustrating.  Later that day, we finally received it.  Ridiculous.   He continues to get a little stronger each week.  It was so refreshing to get out of the house on Sunday and we actually went grocery shopping together.  Dan walked down each aisle and even helped load the groceries into the vehicle.  I so enjoyed doing that with him and had missed it.  I keep encouraging him to do an activity every day and to use the small hand weights to help gain is strength and keep up his energy.  And I love how he still has a great appetite. Thursday Dan went to the heart specialist, Dr. Iqbal, to get hooked up to a heart monitor.  We need to kno