Steady As We Go

Dan's chemo went well this week and the doctor's visit went very well.  The PA believes that the cancer has shrunk which we thought it did too given the fact that Dan is getting stronger and in less pain.  He did experience pain the other day though and in a different spot where he had to take pain meds so that is concerning.  We can't wait to get the CT scan at the end of this month to see where we are at.

Dan got approved for Social Security Disability so that is a major feat and one stress to put behind us.  Now we just need to focus on Medicare.  We are waiting for the package to come in the mail so we know what the next steps need to be in regards to that and the details.

I will now have to get my own health insurance through work.  It was nice being on Dan's as I have to say, his was much better and more affordable. 😒

Dan continues to gain weight which is good.  He fears getting heavy again but I told him that most likely, it is muscle he is gaining which would make sense if he feels stronger.  

It's getting harder to remember to update the Blog as we have been so busy and focused with so many other things going on.  So I apologize!

Thank you all for your continued love and support! 💓


  1. This is all great news! There sure is a lot to get in order to change insurances, bill's, appointments, ect. Besides every day life in general. You are doing a great job with our updates and taking care of each other. Prayers are still coming your way and I am very grateful for all the progress made so far. ❤ Love you both..Sister Lori

  2. We love you both prayer glad stronger. Hugs your friends terri and jim

  3. Keep strong❤️ We are praying for you and your always in our hearts!!! Love the Johnsons from Webster and Williamson❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. Think about you everyday, my friend. Keep up the good work! It's great to hear that things are going a bit better!! Still miss ya, pal! ~Boss Man

  5. Praying for you Mr. Dan!! 💙 the Scuderi family


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