Last Post

Hi Everyone!

Due to the demands of life, I will no longer be updating the blog with Dan's progress.  If you wish to see how he is doing, Dan invites you to call or text him personally at 585-789-7904.

Dan had chemo this week but had more side effects and pain than anticipated.  He will get with the heart doctor this week to see if they need to update his meds. Pain in jaw, nosebleeds, headaches, other pain are the effects he is experiencing and more frequently and longer durations.

He is doing okay but wishes he had more energy.  Treatments make him weak and tired all the time and understandably, he is sick of it.  But we are forging ahead and anticipating the CT scan this Thursday to see if the cancer has shrunk.  At least we were able to enjoy the great weather at camp this weekend and see our awesome camp friends, other friends and family.

Thank you so much for the support, well wishes and cards that keep coming.

To the Johnson's: Dan got a kick out of the "good luck" pennies that Marcus and Vincent included in the card.  Was so very sweet!  Please tell them that Mr. Dan thanks them and misses them very much and they made his day.

Dan and I appreciate everyone's support!  We have awesome family and friends. 💖


  1. Please know we are here for you both day or night. Sending prayers and hugs!!!! Vincent and Marcus will be so happy to hear that their Mr.Dan was happy to get the pennies ❤️ Love the Johnsons ❤️

  2. All our love. Here if you need anything prayers with you . Love you both your friends terri and jim


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