Doing Great!

So sorry I haven't updated this in awhile.  Been very busy.  But feel free to reach out to Dan anytime for an update.

Dan had his long chemo last week and was give the strong chemo in a "ball" to bring home for a 2-day drip.  This time he did not need to go into the hospital for his treatment. 

Because of all the meds he had to take before and during treatments, he did not experience any pain nor heart issues.  We are so relieved!  The strong chemo was given at 50% strength.  We do not know if the doctor will eventually up the dosage gradually as ideally, he should receive 100% strength.

Dan was feeling stronger up until his chemo day.  Now that his chemo is every two weeks, he should be able to enjoy more good days in-between chemo treatments.  Dan is excited that we opened up camp and we are going to try to go this week, depending on how he feels.

Dan get s a CT scan on 5/18 to see if the tumor shrank. He will be receiving one more treatment before this.

The chemo leaves him feeling drained and he unfortunately, has virtually no muscle mass.  Dan plans on getting on the treadmill to help regain his strength on days he feels up to it.   His spirits are still up.

Below are pics of the meds Dan has to take before, during and after treatments every two weeks.  (He also has to take his regular meds every day.)  Good thing he is on top of this!  He plans beforehand while I make sure he takes everything on time.  (Dan places post-it's on each one with the time he needs to take them.)

Thank you all for the texts, calls, visits and cards.  Means a lot, as always! 


  1. I am so relieved that there wasn't too much pain this time! Feeling hopeful for his next treatment 🥰 I bet Dan is looking forward to camp and getting sunshine and lots of fresh air and seeing friends again 🙂 🙏 You both are still in my prayers every day. Love you both❣

  2. Hey Danny, glad you are doing better, Brian at work said hi( you hunt on his parents back yard he said) keep up the faith, sending love and prayers ❤️

    1. Prayers and love thinking of you both see you at camp hugss .. Terri and jim

    2. Dan is in my prayers every night and will continue to be.
      We think of you both often and so happy that Dan is doing better. Can’t wait to see you at camp! Dan & Donna


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