Taking It Day By Day

Dan has been feeling pain and discomfort this week in his liver.  When this occurred before, it was because the cancer was growing.  This is concerning to say the least.

The cancer center called yesterday.  At first, Dan's heart ultrasound was scheduled for late February.  They wanted to move it up and have it done before his treatment next week to see if it is okay to proceed.

Next Wednesday he already had an appointment in early afternoon for the customary blood draw and to see the oncologist.  Now he also needs to go get the heart ultrasound later that day.  If all is well, he will receive his next rounds of chemo the next day.

Dan is adamant that he will NOT do the 5FU chemo anymore as that is the "second" round of chemo we think causes his heart episodes.  We are going to talk to the doctor and see what other option there is, even though the 5FU is the most active for his cancer.

Dan continues to rest and is eating.  He is bored at home though.  I've encouraged him to take a drive if he feels up to it just to get himself out of the house.  He will receive a visitor here and there and I think that helps.  I just hope he doesn't get depressed as laying around all day and watching TV can't be mentally good for you.  If you do want to visit Dan, be sure to call or text first to see if he is feeling up to it.  And a mask and hand sanitizing is a must.

I live with Dan every day and can see his body continue to thin out.  For people that don't see him everyday, it must be a bit of a shock.  I hate this.  I hate that he is not physically the person he once was.  I can see sadness in his eyes sometimes and it breaks my heart.  I just wish I could help him more and take away all of his discomforts.  But he has accepted this fate in life and I know when the time comes, he will be mentally ready.  

Thank you all for your support and comments! ๐Ÿ˜š  If you leave a comment to this blog, please be sure to leave your name in the comment field so I can be sure to let Dan know who it was from.

That is all I have for now. 


  1. It was so nice to see my brother stop in to visit briefly today before he dropped off his taxes in Williamson. I know what you mean about the sadness in his eyes, I see it too. This is all so devistating for us but I have hope and faith that this new pill will help him. You both are in my prayers and on my mind every minute of every day. Sending love and prayers, Love you both....Sister Lor ❤

  2. Prayers that these posts are more on a positive note . Dan doesn’t need to see any negative posts

    1. This blog is for friends and family to keep them up-to-date. Even if Dan saw this, we have many conversations and he has come to terms with what is going on. Many personal discussions not stated here. Nothing is negative. Just real and experienced by us both. Nothing I write here is a secret to Dan as far as our experience and feelings.

  3. Hi Dan and Michelle!! We are thinking of you always and praying each day gets brighter for you, one day at a time is my motto! I saw Vincent today for about an hour and he told me that he misses Mr. Dan! We all wanted to let you know your loved by the Johnson’s!! Joann and Bob, Rob and Kristin, Vincent and Marcus๐Ÿ˜˜

  4. We miss you Mr. Dan.. praying for you ๐Ÿ’™ Erin, Jesse, Dennis and Mya Scuderi


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