Sorry For The Delay

Sorry for the delay in this blog.  There hasn't really been that much to report on Dan and this week has been difficult one.

Can you believe NO ONE from the cancer center has reached out to Dan to see how he is doing??  He has called twice because we wanted to speak to someone there about what occurred and what the next treatment strategy should be as Dan is never going to take that 5FU chemo again!  The only doctor who called was his primary!  His oncologist was in constant communication with the doctors at the hospital but other than that, we have not heard from them or the center.  Not happy to say the least.

Dan is feeling so much better and has no more "heart" issues.  So we know it's from the 5FU chemo.  We have an appointment with the cancer center on Tuesday so I guess we will have to wait until then to see what other chemo he will be receiving.  His next treatment is supposed to be next Thursday.

Meanwhile, we both ended up with a sinus issue, almost like a cold, which thankfully is almost gone.  We were soooooo tired this past week as our bodies were trying to fight this. And it was so busy at work. And it just goes to show that germs are persistent as we have been wearing masks wherever we go and we make sure we wash our hands and sanitize all the time.

Then, Cody had patella surgery on Thursday.  Yesterday was a very difficult day with his recovery.  He was in so much pain that the meds they gave me to give to him were not touching his pain level.  He had a Lick Sleeve on his leg to help support it and refrain a dog from licking the wound but he also had an E-Collar on.  The vet tech told me that the sleeve would need to be taken off in order for him to go to the bathroom as it covered "that part".  I did that yesterday morning.  BUT I couldn't get it back on.  I watched the video on how to put it on and wouldn't you know that I didn't have to take the whole thing off???  I only needed to unbuckle it and unwrap from around his belly and use it as a sling while he went to the bathroom.  I really wish the vet tech told me that to save me the anxiety and the pain/traumatization that Cody endured when Dan and I tried THREE times to get it back on.  He tried biting us several times and hissed and snarled. Cody was so upset that I had to give him Trazadone to calm him down.  

Then we found later he urinated in his bed so while I was trying to move him so I could remove the soiled bedding, he bit my hand.  I'm not ashamed to say I had a bit of a meltdown at that point. I called the vet again.  They were so busy no one could get back to me.  Cody just kept looking at me, wouldn't settle down and sat up for hours.  I called the vet again and finally spoke with someone who would take the time to answer my questions and concerns.  Since it was too traumatic for Cody, we will not try to put the sleeve on ever again.  I told them he was in a lot of pain.  He was on Gabapentin.  Vet said it could be given 3 times a day or try morphine.  Soooo, we decided on the morphine and I told them I would be right there.

I show up and they said they didn't expect me so soon so I had to go back home. They called me a half hour later, I grabbed my debit card and phone and drove back to the vet.  They handed me a script.  I was puzzled as I thought I would receive the actual pills.  They don't carry that so they said I can go to any pharmacy but should call ahead to see if they stock it.  I asked if I needed ID (as it's a narcotic) and they didn't know.  I get in my truck and call Walgreens.  They don't stock it and they said I shouldn't need a license.  I then drive to Wegmans and waited in a very long line.  Finally get up to the counter and they do stock it but will be a 15 minute wait.  I waited 45 minutes.  Went back into the line to wait some more.  I get up to the pharmacy counter and she asked for my ID. 😦 I had to then drive home, get my ID and drive back to Wegmans to get the morphine.

We decided not to give it to Cody last night as we didn't know how he may react and we would be sleeping.  I gave him another Gabapentin instead and decided to wait and see how he would feel tomorrow.

Woke up at 1am to find that he urinated on the bedroom floor.  No worries, cleaned it up and got him back in his bed on the floor.

Today I'm happy to report that he is MUCH better so I will not be giving him morphine.  Today I can take a relaxing breath and try to have an anxiety-free day.

So, Dan is doing good, we both are feeling better and Cody is peacefully resting.

So far 2023 sucks.  Let's hope it gets better! 

Cards for Dan keep coming in and we can't thank you all enough for the love and support!  It really means a lot to us. 💗💖💕


  1. So sorry to hear about everything going on. My kids miss Mr. Dan. Our thoughts/prayers ❤

  2. Praying for Dan! We miss his smiling face driving the bus!!! Stay strong Mr. Dan! The Scuderi family is rooting for you💙


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