More Pain...

Last night Dan didn't look too good.  He has been experiencing pain since Sunday and the meds don't see to touch it too much. 

I woke up this morning to find him in the recliner.  That's never good.  That is his "I'm in pain" chair.  He looked worse this morning than he did last night.  I was very concerned.  His pain level increased exponentially over night. You could see the pain on his face.  It was also difficult for him to take full breaths because it would cause pain from the area of his liver up his chest to his neck and shoulders.  That is indicative of a swollen liver.  He has not had enough chemo to help shrink it and it is very inflamed now.

At 7:30, I called the cancer center and spoke to the oncologist on call since they were closed.  He asked a bunch of questions and said that Dan may need another CT scan and to call the center when they open.  He will let them know what is going on and he will also talk to someone there when they open.

They also asked a bunch of questions and said they would call us back.  They called us back and said they would like to see Dan.

We had to yet again, drive in crappy weather (Webster had snow-covered roads and white-out conditions until you hit Irondequoit) and made it there at 11.

Dan's blood pressure was good and he weighed in at 187. They ended up prescribing Dan stronger pain meds and he was able to go home. They also did bloodwork and if we don't receive a call, he can continue on with his chemo treatment tomorrow.  We thought it was Thursday! (Because it always was) So thankfully, we found out it changed.

Dan is still in pain after taking the stronger meds but hopefully it will subside a bit.  He looks a bit better but looks very tired.  He continues to drink a lot of liquids and he eats a little here a little there.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

And I need to learn how to use the snowblower. Shoveling sucks.😜

***Update:  Cancer center called and received Dan's blood results.  Something going on with liver so they are scheduling a CT scan and will let us know when that is.  Proteins still high so he will be unable to receive one med tomorrow for his chemo treatment.  But they said that he should still plan on getting chemo tomorrow.


  1. Our love with you both prayers. From Your friends jim and terri

  2. You are both on my mind and in my prayers. Please let me know if you need anything. Love you both...Sister Lor 🙏😥


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