Doctor's Appointment Yesterday

We went to the cancer center yesterday like we do every other Tuesday in the week that Dan is to receive chemo.

We stated our concerns of the heart issue side effects of the 5FU chemo (received in a ball and done at home).  The oncologist stated that it is the most active chemo for this type of cancer that Dan has.  Needless to say, Dan didn't want to hear that.  He didn't want to take that chemo ever again.  He felt like he was having a heart attack and apparently that is what it feels like as the 5FU constricts the arteries in the heart.  Dr. Kahn stated other people have experienced this before but continued with the treatments.  Because of the meds they were on (and now Dan is on), they either never experienced that again or it was mild.  So, Dan decided he will try it again.

They also have a pill form of this where he would, I believe the doctor said, take 2 pills a day for two weeks straight opposed to the chemo infusion of the 5FU at home.  The infusion is 2 full days but it is difficult to sleep with the "ball" and pouch and you are getting hit with the side effects in a faster amount of time opposed to the pills.  So that may be an option take pills instead.

Dan's proteins were high, so he will not be able to get this one treatment before tomorrow's chemo treatment.  It restricts blood flow to the cancer.  They will try again in two weeks when Dan has his blood drawn.  By then his protein levels should be good.

So tomorrow, Dan receives his first chemo and it will be done at the cancer center.  Then after a few hours he will be hooked up (into his port) with the 2nd chemo that will be infused over two days.  Then a home nurse will come and unhook it.

We also stated that we didn't hear from anyone after he got out of the hospital.  The doctor said that he and the hospital doctors were all communicating though.  And Dan said, but not with me.  We also said that we called twice and no one returned our call.  They seemed a bit baffled by that.

Dan also will be going to a cardiologist who specializes in oncology to get a more in-depth look at his heart to see if there are any anomalies as Dan has a heart defect that we found out about during his hospital stay.  He's had it since birth.  A valve to his heart is a little twisted but 80% of patients who have this lead normal lives.

I'll be working from home on Friday to keep a close eye on Dan. I don't want to be at work again should he suddenly get bad side effects like he did two weeks ago with the at-home 5FU chemo

Dan is down to 193 pounds now.

And cards and flowers keep coming in for Dan.  You guys are so awesome and we thank you so very much! 💓


  1. Sending love and prayers to you both 😘 Hang in there my brother, I love you. 😘🤗


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