Chemo Day

Dan received a chemo treatment at the cancer center and is now home with his second chemo with the "ball" as earlier explained in a previous blog post.

We are very much hoping that he will not have an bad heart reactions! 

Dan is currently resting as well as he should be right?

And I don't know if I mentioned before, but the finance department stated it would cost $900 out of our pocket for each event of chemo Dan receives.  Therefore, that is $1800 per month!  I can't imagine what people do who cannot afford that.  Something needs to change in our healthcare system!  Thankfully, we are okay for now.  

Nothing else to report for now.  However, I did want to thank those of you who have graciously left wonderful comments on the blog posts.  Many times these posts are listed as "anonymous" because you have to login to an account to leave your name.  So if this happens and  you don't have an account or don't want to login, please be sure to leave your name in the comment.  This way I can relay to Dan who they are from.  😊  

Again, we thank everyone for your prayers and well wishes!


  1. Sending prayers and love to you both....💞 Sister Lor 😘

  2. Thanks for the updates, Michelle. I think of Dan daily. And, miss seeing him!! Sending thoughts and love your way!! Miss ya Pal!! ~Chuck (A.K.A. Boss Man) :)


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