We finally saw an oncologist today, Dr. Khan.  Received a lot of information and we are feeling a bit overwhelmed and still trying to process everything.

In a nutshell, Dan has inoperable stage 4 cancer which spread to his liver.  It's aggressive.  When he had cancer two years ago on his appendix, they took that out and 6-8 inches of his colon and some of the lymph nodes.  Only the cancer was on his appendix but they took out part of his colon at that time and the lymph nodes.  They also tested them and it was negative for cancer.  So they sent Dan on his merry way saying to go and enjoy life.

The cancer he has now is from that cancer from two years ago.  Unfortunately, there can be such small microscopic cancer cells that can go undetected and Dr. Khan believes that is what happened to Dan and it spread to his liver.  

He will now need Chemo once every 2 weeks.  Each of those treatments are 3 hours long and will be at the cancer center.  After that, they send him home with intravenous bags hooked up to a port (the port will be implanted sometime soon) and he will have a different type of chemo treatment at home for 46 hours.  After that is done, a nurse will come to our house to take it out.

The goal is to shrink the cancer so Dan can live a more quality type of life.  He also has spots on his lungs and they will do a more thorough scan of that.  But the chemo will also take care of that too if it is cancer.

The doctor stated Dan's life expectancy, if the tumor can shrink down, could be several years.  On the other hand, it could be less.  It all depends on how he responds to treatments.

Treatment can last several months.

Right now since Dan is so dehydrated (as we are just getting over the stomach flu which consisted of throwing up and diarrhea) his kidneys are not in great shape.  Therefore, he cannot begin chemo until his kidneys are 100%.  Therefore, he is currently at Rochester General to be hooked up to fluids for the next 2 days.  Dan will not begin chemo until after Christmas.  No radiation needed thank God.  I wouldn't go to the hospital to see Dan for several reasons.  Mostly, he shouldn't be around too many people as he is now considered immune-compromised.

It's amazing how he is taking all of this so far.  But to be honest, I think he already had come to terms with it...knowing he was dying.

He is down to 197 pounds.  He weighed about 228 two months ago.

Hug your family.  Hug your friends.  Make amends.  Do not hold grudges.  Learn to forgive.  Spread love.

And always pray.


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