Port Day

Today, Dan got his port put in at Rochester General.  The place was backed up so we didn't get out of there until 4:30.  At one point I had to ask when he would be wheeled in as no one came to us for almost an hour after he was prepped.  Was insane.  Thankfully, everything went well.

I had to ask my sister-in-law, Lori Isaac, to let Cody out as we didn't expect to be there soo long.  THANK YOU LORI EVEN THOUGH CODY HID ON YOU. 😁

Because everything took so long today, Dr Kahn (Dan's oncologist) was unable to get blood drawn and then to see him today so we have to go in at 8:45 tomorrow at RGH and get blood drawn from the port, see the doctor and finance people.  They are going to try and get grants to help pay for the costs of the chemo and costs are also based on household income.  I also have paperwork for them to sign as I am applying for Paid Family Leave.  I do not have any sick or vacation time left so I am not currently getting paid for the time away from work caring for Dan (but I don't care!). When approved, they will retro-activate my time away from work but it only pays 67% of your pay and there is a cap limit.

If the bloodwork looks good, Dan can begin chemo on Thursday.

We are home now and tired.  Been a long day and a lot of waiting.  Glad this part is done.  When Dan's chemo treatments are done (probably in a few months), he will need to have the port removed.  Hopefully we will not have to wait as long as we did today.

Below is a picture of Dan's port (but it is bandaged).  It's placed under the skin.  I also took a picture to describe how it helps with treatments, bloodwork and scans and how it is placed.


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