Merry Christmas!

Dan and I had a wonderful Christmas.  I wanted to take lots of pictures so I will always have these memories.  We don't know what the future holds.

I have to call the oncologist's office on Tuesday.  They changed Dan's appointment to get his port inserted from 8am to 1pm on Tuesday, 12/27.  They called us last week.  Then we get his schedule in the mail and it says something different.  Then he gets a text yesterday and it says something different again.  Very confusing!  They need to get their crap together. 😠

Dan's stool is getting pale which is concerning and expected as his liver is full of cancer.  I will be letting them know that when I call as I want to be sure we report all symptoms.

Today, we will relax and enjoy this holiday.  Later I will bake chocolate chip cookies and cook one of his favorite meals...Ham Penne Skillet.😊🎄🎅🤶


  1. We are sending our prayers your way, we are all devastated to learn of Dans illness. Michelle, I pray for you to continue all your strength, I can’t even imagine what your going through. Give Dan our love. The Johnson’s from Webster and Williamson 🙏🙏🙏


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