Good To Go

We spoke to the doctor today and we are good to go for chemo tomorrow.  We thought we would be speaking with Dr. Kahn, but we actually saw Morgan who is a PA (Physician Assistant).  She was amazing, thorough, straight-up, informative and patient.  Loved her!

She went over the bloodwork which was good and Dan's vitals.  All good.

She also went over the treatment plan and expectations and subsequent side effects.

Dan will have 3 months of two types of chemo treatments, twice per month.  One will be a 4 hour treatment at the center and then he will be hooked up to another chemo medicine which will be infused into his port continuously for 46-48 hours at home.  A nurse will come to our home and remove the tube from his port after that treatment.  A scan will be done at the end of the 3 month period to see how effective the treatment is going and decide on any modifications. If Dan is doing okay with the treatments and side effects, he will be administered chemo for the following 3 months as well.

She said there is no cure, he will never be in remission.  We knew that.  She has also seen patients with this type of cancer (who respond well to treatments) live 3-5 years more.  He will always be on chemo but maybe not continuously.  He could go 3 to 6 or even to 9 months without chemo and then have to get it again.

She also said that the cancer went from his liver to both of his lungs but that this does not change the treatment plan as it will shrink those small nodules as well.

Dan does not qualify for liver transplant as he will get it there again and not only that, it doesn't resolve the fact that he has cancer in his lungs now.  Surgery is too dangerous and localized treatment could be an option later once the tumor is under control.

She asked us if he had any scans after his last bout with cancer. Two years ago he had is appendix and part of his colon removed.  The cancer started in his appendix but they took out part of his colon and some lymph nodes.  Those were both tested and came back negative for cancer.  No scans or anything after that.  She told us that it is assumed it didn't spread but there is always that chance that some cells escape and attach themselves to other parts of the body and are not activated at that time.  This happened to be Dan's case.  And we were very surprised to learn that the cancer in his liver grew within weeks.  It's a fast growing cancer.  And it is now 13cm big which is almost half of his liver.

She is optimistic that chemo will shrink it and that in time, he will feel better (and less pain).  Of course, there will be side effects due to the two types of chemo he will be having.  Possibly, nausea, diarrhea, hair loss, mouth sores, pain, itching, neuropathy.  Some of these symptoms will only last a few days during and after chemo.

Dan's port will be flushed out every time he gets chemo which is good.  We didn't know they could do that there.  Saves us time from having to make an appointment elsewhere to get that done.

The center is on call 24/7 so if Dan experiences unmanageable pain, has a fever of 100.4 or higher to let them know.  

Dan weighs 197 pounds (he's 5' 11'') and thankfully has been eating good.  That soon will change with chemo treatments. 😔 His pallor is grayish-yellow and he looks thin. But not really in pain.  Just a little discomfort now and then with his liver and now the port.  And sometimes he gets winded.  We feel it is because he has been immobile for the past month or so and not using his muscles which have also been disappearing slowly.  

Dan goes in tomorrow for his first round of chemo.  Wish us luck!

Dan and I appreciate the continued support, prayers and outpouring of love! 💖


  1. Sending love and prayers, love you both 🙏❤🙏

  2. Keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers

  3. Prayers coming your way and hoping all goes well with treatment think of you often


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