Dan and I are still getting over having the stomach flu these past few days.  Dan had called the cancer center on Tuesday and they were "still reviewing his records".  It's been over a week.  How long does this take for heaven's sake?!

Today I called them myself.  I was mad, upset, on the verge of tears telling them that my husband is in pain every day, we are just getting over the stomach flu and he is losing more weight and I am concerned about his physical and mental well-being.  He needs to see someone NOW.  He probably has advanced cancer and his cancer has come back and THIS CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER. 

The guy on the phone was patient with me and said to hang on so he can see what is going on.  I was on hold almost 10 minutes.  He came back on the line and said that Dan never called.  They were waiting for him to call.  I said, "We did everything we were asked to do and that we called and were told someone would call us and that every time we called someone would say that they were reviewing his records, "  He said, "But you called Gastrology."  I replied, "Because we were TOLD to."  I said, "Look.  Obviously wires were crossed and we need to get this taken care of NOW.  Do you have his records or not?"  He said "Yes.".  I said, "Then how do we get this going?".  He said, "I'll get in touch with a doctor, review the records and call you back."  I said, "And how long will that take?".  He said slowly, "I don't know."  I said, "Well hopefully today.  He can't wait longer.".  He promised to do his best.

I hung up the phone and wept.  Dan does not deserve this. No one does.

We received a call a couple of hours later.  Dan has an appointment with an oncologist tomorrow at 10:30.  Thank you Lord.

Dan just wants answers and validity and to see what the next steps are.  We need to get this going!  He is weak and tired and some days doesn't look physically well (like today as the stomach flu kicked our asses) but trying to hold his head up high.  

***UPDATE: Dan has to now go in at 10am so that he can get bloodwork done and have the results for the 10:30 appointment. That's good.


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